With us it’s service first, loyalty always.

Got Questions?

If you live in Mill Hall, PA or any of the surrounding areas, we provide the services you need at Mill Hall Pharmacy.



How do I switch my prescriptions to Mill Hall Pharmacy?

Just call us at 570-726-3213 or stop by our location at Main Street Mill Hall and we will do the rest!

Does Mill Hall Pharmacy administer shots or vaccinations?

Yes! We offer several different vaccinations including flu, shingles, and pneumonia. Give our office a call at 570-726-3213 if you have any questions regarding our vaccination services!

What are Mill Hall Pharmacy’s hours?

Monday thru Friday 9-8; Saturday 9-5; Sunday; Closed all major holidays

How/Where can I dispose of old medicine?

There are two medication disposal receptacles available to the public. One is at Lock Haven City Hall and the other is at The Clinton County Garden Building Lobby. Never flush old pills!

What is MedSync?

• If you have multiple medications that are filled on a regular basis, MedSync is a process for aligning refill dates. This ensures that medications are refilled on time with no breaks because of forgotten calls. *Controlled substances are not eligible for the service.* Contact us for more information.
• We will work with you to coordinate your medication pickup schedule so you do not run out of any of your medications.
• One refill date is set up per person.
• The MedSync service is free, but while aligning your medications, partial refills may be needed. During that process, you are responsible for any co-pays required by your insurance.
• Once aligned, you will be able to pick up all of your eligible prescriptions once a month, pay your copays, and know that you won’t run out of a medication again!


Do you have questions we didn’t answer? Contact Us or give us a call us! 570-726-3213 and we’re happy to answer them!

Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Closed

24 hour emergency service available!
We offer home-delivery service!